Kick-off meeting on the concept of safeguarding Wawel Royal Castle’s collection

We begin the new year on a high note! At the invitation of the management of the Wawel Royal Castle and the Chief Conservator, Dr. Ewa Wiłkojć, on January 5, we presented to the employees of this institution the concept of safeguarding objects and equipment belonging to the Castle.

Prof. Łukasz Bratasz made an introduction, acquainting the audience with the risk analysis for museums and explaining how to implement good practices in this area. Then, Magdalena Soboń presented a plan of preventive actions, both short- and long-term, tailored to the needs of the Royal Castle. The specificity of these needs results both from the role of the Castle, whose mission is to make the collections widely available to the public, and from the limitations of the possibility of strict control of climatic conditions in a historical residence, such as the Castle. The lectures were also supported by Prof. Roman Kozłowski, who participated in the discussion afterwards.

Creating a concept of safeguarding Wawel Royal Castle’s collection is part of the memorandum of cooperation signed between the Castle and our parent Institute at the end of last year. The memorandum is intended to help promote and enhance protection of priceless objects, both those belonging to the Castle’s collection – exhibited, rented and stored – as well as those staying in Krakow for the duration of special events.

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