Research projects

1. “PVCare – Preventive Conservation Strategies for Poly(vinyl chloride) Objects“, project funded through the CEUS scheme in collaboration between NCN (National Science Center, Poland, project no. 2020/39/I/HS2/00911) and ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency, project number N1-0241), 2022-2024.

2. “GRIEG-Craquelure – Model of paintings with craquelure patterns for evidence-based climate control in museums”, project supported with the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2020, decision number DEC-2019/34/H/HS2/00581, 2020-2024.

3. “PRELUDIUM 19 – Development of evidence-based environmental specifications for short religious, cultural and commercial events in historic buildings”, project supported by the National Science Center, Poland, decision number DEC-2020/37/N/HS2/01727/2, 2021-2023.

4. “IPERION HS – Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science” project, in the Horizon2020 framework programme of European Commission.

5. “CollectionCare – Innovative and affordable service for the Preventive Conservation monitoring of individual Cultural Artefacts during display, storage, handling and transport”, the CollectionCare project under Innovation Action of the Horizon2020 programme o European Commission, 2019-2022.

The aim of the CollectionCare project is development of an innovative PC decision support system for small-medium sized museums and collections. Reference data is collected via economic wireless sensors individually for each cultural artefact.

6. “Innovative and affordable service for the Preventive Conservation monitoring of individual Cultural Artefacts during display, storage, handling and transport”, in the Horizon2020 framework programme of European Commission, project supported with “Premia na Horyzoncie” funding programme of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

7. “CRAQUELURE – Comprehensive mechanical model of historical, aged paint layers”, project of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, the ‘Polish Returns’ programme, 2019-2022.

8. “HERIe – Further development of the HERIe software for quantitative assessment of risk of physical damage of heritage objects due to climate variations.” Development of a model for cracking pictorial layers on canvas and the development of a module quantifying risk of climate-induced distortion or fracture for parchment objects‘, research in the framework of ‘Managing Collection Environments Initiative of the Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 2019-2020.

9. “SyMBoL – Sustainable management of historic buildings in a long-term perspective”, project of the Norwegian Research Council, 2018-2021.

10. “E-RIHS PL” – Research cooperation within the Polish Consortium for Culture Heritage Research offering access to specialized research infrastructure to cultural institutions in Poland.

11. “Further development of the HERIe software for quantitative assessment of risk of physical damage of heritage objects due to climate variations”, research in the framework of ‘Managing Collection Environments Initiative’ of the Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 2017-2019.

12. “DET-ART – Non-invasive method of elemental imaging for investigations of works of art’, project of the National Centre for Research and Development Poland, 2015-2018.

13. “Transport and deposition of particulate matter in historic buildings”, research project under the agreement on scientific cooperation between the National Research Council of Italy and the Polish Academy Sciences, 2014-2017.

14. “HERIVERDE – Energy efficiency of museum and library institutions”, project of the National Centre for Research and Development Poland, 2013-2017.

15. “Damage mechanism of panel paintings taking into account annual growth-ring structure of wood and real-world climate fluctuations”, project of the National Science Centre Poland, 2011-2015.

16. “Impact of heating historic churches on transfer and deposition of dust”, project of the National Science Centre Poland, 2011-2015.

17. “Nicolaus Haberschrack – pictor de Cracovia”, project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 2010-2013.

18. “ROCARE – Roman cements for architectural restoration to new high standards”, project of the European Commission 7th Framework Programme, 2009-2012.

19. “Development of micro-damage monitoring method in mineral materials constituting historic architecture and sculptures”, project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 2009-2012.

20. “Acoustic emission for monitoring museum objects as a universal method of the preventive conservation”, project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 2009-2012.

21. ” SMOOHS – Smart monitoring of historic structures”, project of the European Commission 7th Framework Programme.

22. “ENVICONTROL – Management of the museum collection based on computer modeling of the impact of the microclimatic fluctuations on historic objects”, project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the framework of Action of COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology, contract number Nr 538/N-COST/2009/0, 2009-2011.

23. “POLYMERS – Historic wooden objects impregnated with polymers: structural changes, risk assessment preventive strategy”, project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the framework of Action of COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2009-2011.

24. “FIBER – Direct monitoring of strains in textiles for protection of historic tapestries and canvases”, project of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism, 2008-2011.

25. ” TeACH – Technologies and tools to prioritize assessment and diagnosis of air pollution impact on immovable and movable cultural heritage”, project of the European Commission 7th Framework Programme, 2008-2011

26. “NET‑HERITAGE – European network on research programme applied to the protection of tangible cultural heritage”, project of the European Commission 7th Framework Programme, 2008-2011.

27. “Wood science for conservation of cultural heritage” – COST Action IE0601, 2007-2011.

28. “Establishing standards for allowable microclimatic variations for polychrome wood”, project of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism, implemented jointly with the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research NIKU in Oslo, 2007-2010.

29. “ProPaint – Improved protection of paintings during exhibition, storage and transit”, project of the European Commission 6th Framework Programme, 2008-2010.

30. “Chemical interaction between historic objects and indoor environment”, COST Action D42, 2006-2010.

31. “ANOKSJA – Safe exposition of objects vulnerable to photodegradation in museums”, project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the framework of Action of COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2008-2010.

32. “SENSORGAN – Sensor system for detection of harmful environments for pipe organs”, project of the European Commission 6th Framework Programme, 2006-2008.

33. ” TECHKON -Implementation of Roman cement technology in practical conservation of historic buildings” , project of the Sectoral Operational Programme – Increase in the Competitiveness of Enterprises, 2005-2008.

34. “IGNIS – Heating systems for conservation of historic churches”, project of the Sectoral Operational Programme – Increase in the Competitiveness of Enterprises, 2006-2008.

35. “NOAH’S ARK – Global climate change impact on built heritage and cultural landscapes”, project of the European Commission 6th Framework Programme, 2004-2007.

Pieces of the altar during the restoration
Risks associated with the microclimate stability and particulate matter deposition were discussed with us during the restoration of the altar at St. Mary’s Church in Krakow

36. “Proper heating of historic wooden churches – characterization of airflows, airborne particulate deposition and stress levels in the wood”, project under agreement between the governments of Poland and Flanders, implemented jointly with the Micro- and Trace Analysis Centre of the University of Antwerp and Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science , AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, 2004-2006.

37. “Rocem – Roman cement to restore built heritage effectively”, project of the European Commission 5th Framework Programme, 2003-2006.

38. “Friendly heating – comfortable to people and compatible with conservation of art works preserved in churches”, project of the European Commission 5th Framework Programme, 2002-2005.

39. “EUROPLASTER – Protection and conservation of historic hydraulic renders”, project of the EUREKA Initiative (EUROCARE programme), 1997-1999.

40. ” ENVIART – Baroque artificial marble: environmental impacts, degradation, protection”, project of the European Commission 4th Framework Programme, 1996-1998.

41. “Impact of atmospheric pollution on the corrosion of building materials – highly soluble sulphates and nitrates”, project of the State Committee for Scientific Research, 1994‑1995.

42. “Mitigation of threats in the Salt Mine in Wieliczka, World Heritage Site”, Polish – US research programme, II Joint Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fund with the support of UNESCO, the programme implemented in two stages in years 1991-1994 and 1996-1997.

43. “Effect of air pollution on European historic buildings”, project supported by Volvo Car Company and the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome, 1985-1987.