Accessibility statement

Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences (ICSC PAS) is committed to making its website ( accessible, in accordance with Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies (Official Journal of Laws of 2019, item 848) and Commission implementing decision (EU) 2018/1523 of 11 October 2018, establishing a model statement on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications in accordance with Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council and considering the requirements for public sector bodies. This accessibility statement applies to the website

Publication and update dates

The date of the publication of the website: 2018.11.05
The date of the last update of the website: 2020.11.16

Status of compliance with the law

The website of ICSC PAS ( is partially compliant with provisions of  Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies, due to the non-compliances listed below:

  • the website does not support change of font sizes,
  • images published on the website have no alternative description,
  • multimedia available on the website do not have audio description and extended subtitles.


  • images having no alternative description are of promotional nature and are not used in tasks currently performed,
  • multimedia having no audio description and extended subtitles are of promotional nature and are not used in tasks currently performed.

 The present website was created and made operational in November 2018. It is constantly being developed to be compliant with accessibility requirements for persons with disabilities 

The website supports handling of standard keys and shortcut combinations (access keys), depending on the web browser and operational system installed.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

The statement was prepared: 2021.01.28

The statement was prepared on the basis of a self-assessment done by the public sector body.

Feedback and contact information

In the case of problems with the accessibility of the website, please contact us:
by e-mail at
or call phone numbers  +48 12 695 101 lub +48 12 695 120.

Requests for non-accessible information or complaints about the failure to ensure accessibility may be made in the same way.
Anyone has the right to submit a request for digital access to the website, mobile application or any of their elements.
One may also request information to be made available through an alternative means of access, for example by having a digitally unavailable document read out, describing content of a film lacking an audio description etc. The request should contain details of the person making it, an indication of the website or the mobile application concerned, and the method of contact.
If the person making the request asks for the information to be provided through an alternative means of access, he or she should also indicate the convenient method of presentation of the information.

ICSC PAS processes each request immediately, not later than within 7 days of the date the request is made.
Should it prove impossible to meet such a deadline, ICSC PAS informs immediately the person making the request of this and indicates when fulfilling the request is possible; however, the deadline is no longer than 2 months from the day the request is made.
Should ensuring digital accessibility be not possible, ICSC PAS may propose an alternative means of accessing the information.
In the event that ICSC PAS refuses satisfying the request to ensure access or an alternative means of accessing the information, the person submitting the request may file a complaint about ensuring the digital accessibility of the website, a mobile application or an element of the website or the mobile application.

After exhausting the procedure indicated above, a request to the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights may be also submitted.
Website of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights

Contact information of the public sector body
Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Niezapominajek 8
30-239 Kraków
Telephone: +48 12 6395 101

Architectural accessibility

The building of the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences is localized at Niezapominajek 8, 30-239 Krakow.

The access to the Institute’s premises is provided through the gates for vehicles and pedestrians, situated one next to the other. Both gates remain open between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., after these hours access to the Institute premises is possible after contacting the reception by calling phone number +48 12 6395 111, or ringing a bell placed on the gate.

The site has parking spaces and, among them, a parking space for people with disabilities is located directly in front of the entrance to the Institute (3 m). There is no barrier at the entrance to the site and parking on the premises is free of charge.
The building is accessed through the main doors, to which three stairs lead from a paved drive. To the right of the main entrance, an independent ramp for wheelchairs is situated. On parking and entering the building, people with disabilities can be supported by services on duty 24/7 in the reception. The reception is located to the right of the entrance, with a cloakroom next to it, attended to by the receptionists on duty.
Offices and laboratories are located on the levels of basement, ground and first floors. The secretariat, administration offices and lecture rooms are located on the first floor. Information on the location of rooms in the Institute’s building is provided on request by the receptionist on duty.
Toilets for people with disabilities equipped with handles are located on the levels of basement, ground and first floors.
There are no obstacles preventing free mobility in the building. The spaces for circulation of people in the Institute are free of horizontal and vertical barriers. The horizontal circulation is maintained via corridors, situated on one level, the vertical circulation is maintained via stairs and the elevator. The entrance to the elevator is to the right of the main entrance to the building. The width of the elevator’s door and cabin meet standards required for people with mobility impairment, blind or with vision impairment.

Additional information

It is possible to move in the building with an assistance dog and a guide dog.
In the building, there are no Braille signs, nor contrast signs or signs in large print for blind or visually impaired people.
No sign language interpreter is available in the building, making use of an on-line interpreter is neither possible.
The reception staff will give any necessary assistance to a person with mobility impairment, blind or visually impaired. At each level, functionaries are appointed which are on duty and supervise the course of a possible evacuation and, if necessary, give assistance in spaces of their responsibility. Further, relevant administrative services are ready to answer a request from people with impairments.