HERIe: team meeting at the Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles

During the first week of September Dr. hab. Łukasz Bratasz and Dr. Marcin Strojecki traveled to Los Angeles to meet with Dr. hab. Michał Łukomski, a member of the Cultural Heritage Research group, who currently heads the Preventive Conservation group at the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI). Other participants of the talks were:

  • Dr. Lindsay Oakley, Assistant Scientist in the CHR Group,
  • Vincent Beltran, Assistant Scientist at the GCI,
  • Joel Taylor, Senior Project Specialist at the GCI,
  • Annelies Cosaert, GCI Professional Fellow,
  • Naoki Fujisawa, Scientist at the GCI,
  • Ashley Freeman, a PhD student at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

The consultations concerned the further development of HERIe, a climate data analysis tool for the quantitative risk assessment of environmentally-induced damage to heritage objects.

What is HERIe?


HERIe is a tool that allows users to enter data tracing changes in humidity and temperature in a museum or other storage environment of a cultural heritage object. Based on the material of the object being assessed, which is selected from a provided database, a graph is obtained that allows users to immediately evaluate the risk that the climate fluctuations submitted to the tool carry for that object.

The tool has been designed to be intuitive in handling and analyzing the received data. In particular, it is targeted to serve conservators who require support while making decisions to introduce changes to their storage practices for valuable collections.

strain diagram along with the corresponding relative humidity change plot
Example of HERIe possibilities: plotting the poplar board deformation in given climatic conditions

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