We announce the results of the PRELUDIUM project to museum professionals

On April 11, we hosted colleagues from Polish museums and heritage scientists in the beautiful scenery of the Wawel Royal Castle. The occasion for the meeting was a workshop on preventive conservation, which was organized in the cooperation with the Polish Consortium for Cultural Heritage Research E-RIHS.pl.

Such a meeting had to start with identifying threats to museum collections, among which an extremely important topic is the risk of damage due to microclimate instability. Łukasz Bratasz gave a lecture introducing the participants to the physical basis of the degradation processes, which perfectly prepared the ground for the speech of our colleague, Magda Soboń, that summarized the results obtained in the PRELUDIUM project. Magda presented an analysis of threats related to dynamic fluctuations of the microclimate, paying particular attention to the risk to wooden sculptures.

The form of a case study based on the example of the Veit Stoss Altar from St. Mary’s Basilica in Krakow turned out to be accessible to the listeners, most of whom came from the conservation community. We hope for more such meetings!

The Preludium 19 project, project number 2020/37/N/HS2/01727, is financed by the National Science Center, Poland.

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