Research achievements

  • Development of the physical and numerical model of panel paintings which allows their response to external temperature and humidity impacts to be followed.

  • Establishing the mechanism of cracquelure pattern stabilisation in pictorial layers as well as determining the critical distance between cracks below which no further fracturing occurs.

  • Development of a fast and simple method of calculating and analysing strain and stress fields engendered in concrete objects exposed to real-world microclimates, and implementation of this method to generally accessible on-line platform HERIe.

strain diagram along with the corresponding relative humidity change plot
Example of HERIe possibilities: plotting the poplar board deformation in given climatic conditions
  • Establishing allowable amplitudes of variations of microclimate parameters in the environment of polychrome wood though getting insight into the detailed damage mechanisms.

  • Development energy efficient strategies for climate control in historical buildings and museums which provide safe preservation conditions for interior furnishing and collections.

  • Applying the acoustic emission method, that is monitoring the elastic energy released as sound waves during fracture processes in materials, for direct tracing in situ damage development in wooden cultural objects, such as furniture and elements of furnishings, vulnerable to variations in temperature and relative humidity. Commercial implementation of the developed prototype of an acoustic emission sensor for monitoring safety of the historical objects.

  • Determining sources, transport mechanism and deposition velocity of suspended particulate matter, as well as soiling rates in historical churches and analysis of the efficiency of possible preventive measures.

  • Development of manufacturing technology and determining properties of Roman cements, the key materials applied to decorate buildings facades in the 19th and early 20th centuries, by elucidating the reaction of calcium silicate and calcium aluminosilicates during calcination of marls, determining the hydration mechanism of cements and explaining the mechanism of shrinkage cracking in Roman cement pastes and mortars. Re-establishing the manufacturing of the materials and their use in the conservation practice.

  • Applying digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI) for diagnosing the condition of painted surfaces also in situ in museums and historical buildings, through analysis of sound-induced vibration of the investigated surface making possible the detection of cracks and delaminated parts, graphic visualization of the spatial distribution of surface vibration to present optimally results of the analysis to conservators and curators.

  • Development of the automatic analysis and visualization of surface damage with the use of DSPI and interferometric shearography.

  • Development and implementation into the conservation practice of innovative systems of localized heating in historical churches which minimally disturb the microclimate conditions in the environment of historical interior furnishings.

"Lady with an Ermine"  analyzed with DESPI
Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometry (DSPI) method allows you to analyze images for breaks off of the paint layer