1. Simon S., Bratasz Ł., ‘How little is enough – Key Performance Indicators for Energy Consumption and Climate in Memory Institutions’ Arbeitshefte des Brandenburgischen Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege und Archäologischen Landesmuseums, 2023, 66
1. Soboń M., Bratasz Ł., ‘A method for risk of fracture analysis in massive wooden cultural heritage objects due to dynamic environmental variations’, European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00107-022-01841-3
2. Janas A., Mecklenburg M. F., Fuster-López L., Kozłowski R., Kékicheff P., Favier D., Krarup Andersen C., Scharff M. and Bratasz Ł., ‘Shrinkage and mechanical properties of drying oil paints’, Heritage Science, 10:181, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-022-00814-2
3. Janas A., Fuster-López L., Andersen C. K., Escuder A. V., Kozłowski R., Poznańska K., Gajda A., Scharff M. and Bratasz Ł., ‘Mechanical properties and moisture-related dimensional change of canvas paintings–canvas and glue sizing’, Heritage Science, 10:160, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-022-00794-3
4. Lee D. S.-H., Kim N.-S., Scharff M., Nielsen A. V., Mecklenburg M., Fuster-López L., Bratasz Ł. and Andersen C. K., ‘Numerical modelling of mechanical degradation of canvas paintings under desiccation’, Heritage Science, 10:130, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-022-00763-w
1. Zabari N., ‘Analysis of craquelure patterns in historical painting using image processing along with neural network algorithms’, Proceedings Volume 11784, Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology VIII; 1178408, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2593982
2. Abdollahzadeh Jamalabadi M., Zabari N., Bratasz Ł., ‘Three-dimensional numerical and experimental study of fracture saturation in panel paintings’, Wood Science and Technology, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00226-021-01328-z
3. Berska B., Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., Krzemień L., ‘New building of the National Archives in Krakow. Functional and operational assumptions and the concept of archival holdings storage with passive climate control’, ARCHEION, 2021, https://doi.org/10.4467/26581264ARC.21.005.14485
4. Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., Soboń M., Strojecki M., ‘Evidence-based decisions on limiting physical damage to cultural heritage object due to climate variations’, Restauratoren Blätter 38, 123-134, 2021.
1. Bratasz Ł, Akoglu K. G., Kékicheff P., ‘Fracture saturation in paintings makes them less vulnerable to environmental variations in museums’, Heritage Science, 8:11, 2020.
2. Krzemień L., Czyżewska A., Soboń M., Kozłowski R., Bratasz Ł., ‘Risk of climate-induced damage in historic parchment’, Heritage Science, 8:17, 2020.
3. Bertolin C., de Ferri L., Grottesi G., Strojecki M., ‘Study on the conservation state of wooden historical structures by means of acoustic attenuation and vacuum microbalance’, Wood Science and Technology 54, 2020.
1. Liu L., Gong D., Bratasz L., Zhu Z., Wang C., ‘Degradation markers and plasticizer loss of cellulose acetate films during ageing’, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 168, 2019.
2. Kupczak A., Jędrychowski M., Bratasz Ł., Łukomski M., Kozłowski R.,
‘Processing relative humidity data using discrete Fourier transform to control
strain in art objects’, Strain, 2019;e12311. Doi. /10.1111/str.12311
1. Bratasz Ł., White T., Butts S., Sease C., Utrup N., Boardman
R., Simon S., ‘Towards sustainable management in Yale Peabody Museum
collections: climate control, risk assessment and energy efficiency’, Bulletin
of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 59, 249-268, 2018.
2. Bratasz Ł., Vaziri Sereshk M. R., ‘Crack saturation as a
mechanism of acclimatization of panel paintings to unstable environments’,
Studies in Conservation, 63:sup1, 22-27, 2018.
3. Kupczak A., Jędrychowski M., Strojecki M., Krzemień L.,
Bratasz Ł., Łukomski M., Kozłowski R., ‘HERIe – a web-based decision-supporting
tool for assessing risk of physical damage using various failure criteria’,
Studies in Conservation 63:sup1, 151-155, 2018.
4. Łukomski M., Beltran W.L., Boersma F., Druzik J., Freeman
A., Strojecki M., Learner T., Taylor J., ‘Monitoring acoustic emission in an
epidemiological pilot study of a collection of wooden objects’, Studies in
Conservation 63:sup1, 181-186, 2018.
5. Bertolin C., Strojecki M., Kozłowski R., ‘Particle
penetration, emission and deposition in the diocesan museum in Udine, Italy to
assess soiling of Giambattista Tiepolo’s wall paintings’, Studies in
Conservation 63:sup1, 326-328, 2018.
6. Kupczak A., Bratasz Ł., Kryściak-Czerwenka J., Kozłowski R.,
‘Moisture sorption and diffusion in historical cellulose-based materials’,
Cellulose 25, 2873–2884, 2018.
7. Kupczak A., Sadłowska-Sałęga A., Krzemień L., Sobczyk J.,
Radoń J., Kozłowski R., ‘Impact of paper and wooden collections on humidity
stability and energy consumption in museums and libraries’, Energy and
Buildings 158, 77-85, 2018.
8. Krzemień L., Kot M., Łukomski M., ‘Stress assessment in
artistic materials using a micro-scratching technique’, Experimental Techniques
42, 473–479, 2018.
9. Bratasz Ł., ‘Towards sustainable climate control in museums.
Global climate change, risk and energy consumption‘, in: Cultural Heritage
Facing Climate Change: Experience and Ideas for Resilience and Adaptation, eds.
Roger-Alexandre Lefevre and Cristina Sabbioni, Edipuglia, Bari, 2018,
10. Kozłowski R., ‘Collection environments and evidence-based
decision-making’, Conservation Perspectives, The Getty Conservation Institute
Newsletter, 33, 2, 13-15, 2018.
11. Mendys A., Doncer I., Lewicki P., Radoń J., Sadłowska-Sałęga A., Kozłowski R., ‘Kontrola klimatu i energooszczędności w zabytkowych budynkach muzeów, bibliotek i archiwów – na przykładzie Galerii Sztuki Polskiej XIX wieku Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie, w Sukiennicach’, Instal, 5, 22-28, 2018.
12. Krzemień
L., Kupczak A., Pretzel B., Strojecki M., Radoń J. Bogaczewicz-Biernacka E., ‘Different HVAC systems in historical buildings to meet collection demands’, in: Conference Report, the 3rd International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings, Visby, 26-27 September 2018, Uppsala University, 2018, 337-344.
13. Bratasz Ł., Czop J., Frączek P., Kozłowski R., Krzemień L., Łukomski M., Obarzanowski M., ‘Stan zachowania Sądu Ostatecznego Hansa Memlinga i strategia stabilizacji mikroklimatu w otoczeniu tryptyku’, Rozprawy Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie, Seria Nowa, XI, 9-29, 2018.
1. Mleczkowska A., Strojecki M., Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., ‘The
effect of ventilation on soiling by particles of outdoor and indoor origin in
historical churches’, Building Simulation 10, 383-393, 2017.
2. Frasca F., Siani A. M., Casale G. R., Pedone M., Bratasz Ł.,
Strojecki M., Mleczkowska A., ‘Assessment of indoor climate of Mogiła Abbey in
Kraków (Poland) and the application of the analogues method to predict
microclimate indoor conditions’, Environmental Science and Pollution Research
24:16, 13895–13907, 2017.
3. Łukomski M., Strojecki M., Pretzel B., Blades N., Beltran
W.L., Freeman A., ‘Acoustic emission monitoring of micro-damage in wooden art
objects to assess climate management strategies’, Insight – Non-Destructive
Testing and Condition Monitoring 59:5, 256-264, 2017.
1. Mleczkowska A., Strojecki M., Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R.,
‘Particle penetration and deposition inside historical churches’, Building and
Environment 95, 291-298, 2016.
2. Krzemień L., Łukomski M., Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R.,
Mecklenburg M.F., ‘Mechanism of craquelure pattern formation on panel
paintings’, Studies in Conservation 61, 324-330, 2016.
3. Kupczak A., Sadłowska-Sałęga A., Krzemień L., Radoń J., Kozłowski R., ‘Modelling impact of collections on indoor climate and energy consumption in libraries and archives’, in: Proceedings of EECHB – 2016, Second International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Comfort of Historic Buildings, Brussels, 19-21 October 2016, eds. M. de Bouw, S. Dubois, L. Dekeyser, Y. Vanhellemont, 112-118, 2016.
1. Bratasz Ł., Łukomski M., Klisińska-Kopacz A., Zawadzki
W., Dzierżęga K., Bartosik M., Sobczyk J., Lennard F. J., Kozłowski R., ‘Risk
of climate-induced damage in historic textiles’, Strain 51, 78-88, 2015.
2. Krzemień L., Strojecki M.,
Wroński S., Tarasiuk J., Łukomski M., ‘Dynamic response of earlywood and
latewood within annual growth ring structure of Scots pine subjected to
changing relative humidity’, Holzforschung 69, 555–561, 2015.
3. Krzemień L., Łukomski M.,
Kijowska A., Mierzejewska B., ‘Combining digital speckle pattern interferometry
with shearography in a new instrument to characterize surface delamination in
museum artefacts’, Journal of Cultural Heritage 16, 544-550, 2015.
4. Czop J., Frączek P., del Hoyo-Meléndez J.M., Matosz M.,
Obarzanowski M., Sobczyk J., Kozłowski R., Krzemień L., Łukomski, M.,
Węgrzynek, D., Wiącek, P., Wróbel, P., Bratasz, Ł., ‘Leonardo da Vinci Lady
with an Ermine – the latest research into the artist’s painting technique and
the state of preservation of the painting’, Rozprawy Muzeum Narodowego w
Krakowie, Seria Nowa 8, 229-259, 2015.
5. del Hoyo-Meléndez J. M., Świt P., Matosz M., Woźniak M.,
Klisińska-Kopacz A., Bratasz Ł., ‘Micro-XRF analysis of silver coins from
medieval Poland’, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 349,
6‑16, 2015.
6. Kozłowski R., ‘Ogrzewanie zabytkowych obiektów sakralnych’,
Obiekty sakralne, wydanie specjalne ‘Informatora Budowlanego – murator’, 64-70,
1. Strojecki M., Łukomski M., Krzemień L., Sobczyk J., Bratasz
Ł., ‘Acoustic emission monitoring of an eighteenth-century wardrobe to support
a strategy for indoor climate management’, Studies in Conservation 59, 225–232,
2. Sobczyk J., Frączek P., Obarzanowski M., del Hoyo-Meléndez
J., Bratasz Ł., ‘Digital radiography (DR) and imaging analysis for evaluating
the penetration and distribution of organic substances used in wood
conservation’, Wood Science and Technology 48, 981-994, 2014.
3. Bratasz Ł., Świątkowska B., Twardowska K., ‘Jak
zorganizować działalność naukową w muzeum?’, Muzealnictwo 55, 22-27, 2014.
1. Wilk, D., Bratasz, Ł., Kozłowski, R., ‘Shrinkage cracking in
Roman cement pastes and mortars’, Cement Concrete Research 53, 168-175, 2013.
2. V. Starinieri, Hughes, D.C., Gosselin, C., Wilk, D., Bayer,
K., ‘Pre-hydration as a technique for the retardation of Roman cement mortars’,
Cement Concrete Research 46, 1-13, 2013.
3. V. Starinieri, Hughes, D.C., Wilk, D., ‘Influence of the
combination of Roman cement and lime as the binder phase in render mortars for restoration’,
Construction and Building Materials 44, 192-199, 2013.
4. Ł. Bratasz, ‘Allowable microclimatic variations for painted
wood’, Studies in Conservation 58, 65-79, 2013.
5. Strojecki M., Colla C.,
Łukomski M., Gabrielli E., ‘Kaiser effect in historic timber elements’,
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 71, 787-793, 2013.
6. Łukomski M., Krzemień L.,
‘Automated analysis of art object surfaces using time-averaged digital speckle
pattern interferometry’, Proceedings of SPIE – Optics for Arts, Architecture
and Archaeology IV, Munich, 15-16 May 2013, eds. L. Pezzati, P. Targowski, vol.
8790, Article number 87900Y, 2013.
7. Bratasz Ł., ‘Allowable microclimatic variations in museums
and historic buildings’, in: Climate for Collections: Standards and Uncertainties,
Munich, 7-9 November 2012: postprints, eds. J. Ashley-Smith, A. Burmester, M. Eibl,
Doerner Institut, Munich, 2013, 11-19.
8. Łukomski M., Czop J., Strojecki M., Bratasz Ł., ‘Acoustic
Emission monitoring: on the path to rational strategies for collection care’, in:
Climate for Collections: Standards and Uncertainties, Munich, 7-9 November
2012: postprints, eds. J. Ashley-Smith, A. Burmester, M. Eibl, Doerner
Institut, Munich, 2013, 69-79.
9. Radoń J., Antretter F., Sadłowska A., Łukomski M., Bratasz
Ł., ‘Simulation of energy consumption for dehumidification with cooling in
National Museum in Krakow’, in: Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on
Cultural Heritage Preservation, Bolzano, 16-18 September 2013, eds. A. Troi, E.
Lucchi, Felix Verlag, Bolzano, 2013, 227-234.
1. Bratasz Ł., Kozłowska A., Kozłowski R., ‘Analysis of water
adsorption by wood using the Guggenheim-Andersen-de Boer equation’, European
Journal of Wood and Wood Products 70, 445-451, 2012.
2. Rachwał B., Bratasz Ł., Łukomski M., Kozłowski R., ‘Response
of wood supports in panel paintings subjected to changing climate conditions’,
Strain 48, 366-374, 2012.
3. Bratasz Ł., Harris I., Lasyk Ł., Łukomski M., Kozłowski R.,
‘Future climate-induced pressures on painted wood’, Journal of Cultural
Heritage 13, 366-370, 2012.
4. Rachwał B., Bratasz Ł., Krzemień L., Łukomski M., Kozłowski
R., ‘Fatigue damage of the gesso layer in panel paintings subjected to changing
climate conditions’, Strain 48, 474-481, 2012.
5. Zawadzki W., Bartosik M., Dzierżęga K., Bratasz Ł., Łukomski
M., Peacock E., ‘Application of fiber Bragg gratings for strain measurement in
historic textiles and paintings on canvas’, Optica Applicata XLII:3,
503‑517, 2012.
6. Łukomski M., ‘Painted Wood.
What makes the paint crack?’, Journal of Cultural Heritage 13S, 90-93, 2012.
7. Lasyk Ł., Łukomski M.,
Olstad T. M., Haugen A., ‘Digital speckle pattern interferometry for the
condition surveys of painted wood: monitoring the altarpiece in the church in
Hedalen, Norway’, Journal of Cultural Heritage 13S, 102-108, 2012.
8. Krzemień L., Łukomski M.,
‘Algorithm for automated analysis of surface vibrations using time-averaged
Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometry’, Applied Optics 51, 5154-5160, 2012.
9. Strojecki M., Łukomski M.,
Colla C., Gabrielli E., ‘Acoustic Emission as a non-destructive method for
tracing damage: from laboratory testing to monitoring historic
structures”, in: Proceedings of NDTMS-2011 Non-destructive Testing of
Materials and Structures, Istanbul, 15-18 May 2011, eds. O. Buyukozturk, M. A.
Tademir, O. Gunes, Y. Akkaya, RILEM Bookseries 6, 1131-1136, 2012.
1. Lasyk Ł., Łukomski M., Bratasz Ł., ‘Simple DSPI for
investigation of art objects’, Optica applicata XLI:3, 687‑700, 2011.
2. Wilk D., Bratasz Ł., Frączek P., Obarzanowski M.,
Klisińska-Kopacz A., Czop J., ‘Konstrukcja i zastosowanie ram
mikroklimatycznych w Muzeum Narodowym w Krakowie’, Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
30, 154-167, 2011.
3. Kozłowski R., Bratasz Ł., Lasyk Ł., Łukomski, Ł., ‘Allowable
microclimatic variations for painted wood: direct tracing of damage
development’, in: Proceedings from the symposium ‘Facing the Challenges of
Panel Paintings Conservation: Trends, Treatments and Training’, Los Angeles,
17-18 May 2009, eds. A. Phenix, S.A. Chui, Getty Conservation Institute, Los
Angeles, 2011, 158-164.
4. Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., Lasyk Ł., Łukomski M., Rachwał B.,
‘Allowable microclimatic variations for painted wood: numerical modelling and
direct tracing of the fatigue damage’, in: ICOM Committee for Conservation,
16th Triennial Conference, Lisbon, 19-23 September 2011: Preprints, ed. J.
Bridgland, 2011.
5. Wilk D., Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., ‘Acoustic emission for
monitoring crack formation in Roman cement mortars’, in: Proceedings of the
European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation, Berlin, 26-28 September
2011, ed. M. Krüger, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, 2011, 177-181.
6. Strojecki M., Bratasz Ł., Łukomski M., ‘Acoustic Emission
for tracing damage in wooden artworks’, in: Proceedings of World Conference on
Acoustic Emission – 2011 Beijing, 2011, 256-261.
7. Bratasz Ł., Strojecki M., Klisińska-Kopacz A., Łukomski M.,
‘AE and works of art’, in: Proceedings of World Conference on Acoustic Emission
– 2011 Beijing, 24-26 August 2011, eds. G. Shen, Z. Wu, Chinese Society for
Non-destructive Testing, 2011, 581-586.
8. Strojecki M., Colla C., Łukomski M., Gabrielli E., Bratasz
Ł., ‘The Kaiser effect in wood- does historic wood have stress memory?’, in:
Proceedings of the European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation
EWCHP-2011, Berlin, 26-28 September 2011, ed. M. Krüger, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag,
Stuttgart, 2011, 171-176.
9. Łukomski M., Bratasz Ł., Strojecki M., ‘Understanding the
response of painted wood to the environmental impacts – a path to rational
strategies for the collection care’, in: Proceedings of the wood culture and
science Kyoto 2011, the 177th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto, 6-9
August 2011, 142-147.
1. Camuffo D., Pagan E., Rissanen S., Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R.,
Camuffo M., della Valle A., ‘An advanced church heating system favourable to
artworks: A contribution to European standardisation’, Journal of Cultural
Heritage 11, 205-219, 2010.
2. Klisińska-Kopacz A., Tišlova R., Adamski G., Kozłowski R.,
‘Pore structure of historic and repair Roman cement mortars to establish their
compatibility’, Journal of Cultural Heritage 11, 404-410, 2010.
3. Bergsten C. J., Odlyha M., Jakieła S., Slater J.,
Cavicchioli A., de Faria D. L. A., Niklasson A., Svensson J.-E., Bratasz L.,
Camuffo D., della Valle A., Baldini F., Falciai R., Mencaglia A., Senesi F.,
Theodorakopoulos C. ‘Sensor system for detection of harmful environments for
pipe organs (SENSORGAN)’, e-Preservation 7, 116-125, 2010.
4. Kozłowski R., Hughes D.C., Weber J., ‘Roman cements – key
materials of the built heritage of the nineteenth century’, in: Materials,
Technologies and Practice in Historic Heritage Structures, eds. M.
Bostenaru-Dan, R. Přikryl, A. Török, Springer, Berlin, 2010, 259-278.
5. Sabbioni C., Bonazza A., Messina P., Cassar M., Biddulph
P., Blades N., Brimblecombe P., Grossi C., Harris I., Tidblad J., Kozłowski R.,
Bratasz Ł., Jakieła S., Drdacky M., Blaha J., Herle I., Lesak J., Masin D.,
Pospisil S., Slizokwa Z., Saiz-Jimenez C., Grontoft T., Svenningsen G.,
Wainwright I., Hawkins C., Gomez-Bolea A., Arino Vila X., Llop E., ‘The atlas
of climate change impact on European cultural heritage’, Anthem Press, 2010.
6. Bratasz Ł., ‘Acceptable and non-acceptable microclimate
variability: the case of wood’, in: Basic Environmental Mechanisms Affecting
Cultural Heritage, Nardini Editore, Florence, 49-58, 2010.
7. Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., Kozłowska A., Rachwał B.,
‘Sorption of moisture and dimensional change of wood species used in historic
objects’, in: Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage – Braga 2008:
Proceedings of the International Conference held by COST Action IE0601, Braga,
5-7 November 2008, ed. J. Gril, Firenze University Press, Florence, 2010,
8. Lasyk Ł., Łukomski M., Bratasz Ł., ‘Simple Electronic
Speckle Pattern Interferometer (ESPI) for the investigation of wooden art
objects’, in: Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage – Braga 2008:
Proceedings of the International Conference held by COST Action IE0601, Braga,
5-7 November 2008’, ed. J. Gril, Firenze University Press, Florence, 2010,
9. Wilk D., Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., ‘Reducing shrinkage
cracks in Roman cement renders’, in: RILEM Proceedings PRO 78, 2nd Historic
Mortars Conference & RILEM TC 203-RHM Repair Mortars for Historic Masonry
Final Workshop, Prague, 22-24 September 2010, eds. J. Valek, C. Groot, J.J.
Hughes, 2010.
10. Hughes D. C., Weber J., Kozłowski R., ‘Roman cement for the
production of conservation mortars’, in: RILEM Proceedings PRO 78, 2nd Historic
Mortars Conference & RILEM TC 203-RHM Repair Mortars for Historic Masonry
Final Workshop, Prague, 22-24 September 2010, eds: J. Valek, C. Groot, J.J.
Hughes, 2010.
11. Kozłowski R., ‘Impact of climate change on historic
wooden structure’, in: Effect of climate change on built heritage,
WTA-Colloqium, 11-12 March 2010, Eindhoven, ed. T. Bunnik, H. de Clercq, R. Van
Hees, H. Schellen, L. Schueremans, WTA-Schriftenreihe, Heft 34, 2010, 143-148.
1. Hughes D. C., Jaglin D., Kozłowski R., Mucha D., ‘Roman
cements – belite cements calcined at low temperature’, Cement Concrete Research
39, 77-89, 2009.
2. Tišlova R., Kozłowska A., Kozłowski R., Hughes D. C.,
‘Porosity and specific surface area of Roman cement pastes’, Cement Concrete
Research 39, 950-956, 2009.
3. Wilk D., Bratasz Ł., ‘Skuteczne zabezpieczenie obrazów
przed niekorzystnymi wpływami środowiska muzealnego poprzez zastosowanie ram
mikroklimatycznych’, Ochrona Zabytków 3, 47-58, 2009.
4. Bratasz Ł., Weber J., Sterflinger K., ‘Raumklimatische
Untersuchungen’, in: R. Pillinger, ‘Die Wandmalereien in der so genannten
Paulusgrotte von Ephesos’, Anzeiger der philosophisch-historischen Klasse der
Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 143, 107-116, 2009.
5. Kozłowski R., ‘Climate-induced damage of wood: numerical
modeling and direct tracing’, in: Proceedings of Experts’ Roundtable on
Sustainable Climate Management Strategies, ed. F. Boersma, Getty Conservation
Institute, Los Angeles, available on line,
6. Adamski G., Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., Mayr N., Mucha D.,
Stilhammerova M., Weber J., ‘Roman cement – key historic material to cover the
exteriors of buildings’, in: RILEM International Workshop ‘Repair Mortars for
Historic Masonry’, Delft, 26-28 January 2005, ed. C. Groot, RILEM Publications
SARL, 2009, 2-11.
7. Kozłowski R., Bratasz Ł., ’Target microclimates for
preservation of wooden objects – an attempt at standardization’, in: Wood
Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Florence 2007: Proceedings of
the International Conference held by COST Action IE0601, Florence, 8-10
November 2007, ed. L. Uzielli, Firenze University Press, Florence 2009,
1. Jakieła S., Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., ‘Numerical modelling
of moisture movement and related stress field in lime wood subjected to
changing climate conditions’, Wood Science and Technology 42, 21-37, 2008.
2. Jakieła S., Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., ‘Acoustic emission for
tracing fracture intensity in lime wood due to climatic variations’, Wood
Science and Technology 42, 269-279, 2008.
3. Lasyk Ł., Łukomski M., Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., ‘Vibration
as a hazard during the transportation of canvas paintings’, in: Conservation
and Access: Contributions to the London Congress, 15-19 September 2008, eds. D.
Saunders, J. H. Townsend, S. Woodcock, The International Institute of
Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, London, 2008, 64-68.
4. Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., Kozłowska A., Rivers S.,
‘Conservation of the Mazarin Chest: structural response of Japanese lacquer to
variations in relative humidity’, in: ICOM Committee for Conservation, 15th
Triennial Conference, New Delhi, 22-26 September 2008: Preprints, ed. J.
Bridgland, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008, 933-940.
5. Bratasz Ł., Jakieła S., Lasyk Ł, Kozłowski R., ‘Direct
monitoring of damage in clay-containing sandstones by acoustic emission’, in:
Proceedings of 11th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of
Stone, Toruń, 15-20 September 2008, eds. J. W. Łukaszewicz, P. Niemcewicz,
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń, 2008, 349-356.
6. Klisińska-Kopacz A., Tišlova R., Adamski G., Kozłowski R.,
‘Control of porosity structure to produce Roman cement mortars compatible with
the historic substrate’, in: Proceedings of 11th International Congress on
Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Toruń, 15-20 September 2008, eds. J. W.
Łukaszewicz, P. Niemcewicz, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja
Kopernika, Toruń, 2008, 931-938.
1. Jakieła S., Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., ‘Acoustic emission for
tracing the evolution of damage in wooden objects’, Studies in Conservation 52,
101-109, 2007.
2. Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., Camuffo D., Pagan E., ‘Impact of
indoor heating on painted wood: monitoring the altarpiece in the church of
Santa Maria Maddalena in Rocca Pietore, Italy’, Studies in Conservation 52,
199-210, 2007.
3. Samek L., De Maeyer-Worobiec A., Spolnik Z., Bencs L.,
Kontozova V., Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., Van Grieken R., ‘The impact of electric
overhead radiant heating on the indoor environment of historic churches’,
Journal of Cultural Heritage 8, 361-369, 2007.
4. Weber J., Gadermayr N., Kozłowski R., Mucha D., Hughes D.
C., Jaglin D., Schwarz W., ‘Microstructure and mineral composition of Roman
cements produced at defined calcination conditions’, Materials Characterization
58, 1217–1228, 2007.
5. Hughes D. C., Jaglin D., Kozłowski R., Mayr N., Mucha D.,
Weber J., ‘Calcination of marls to produce Roman cement’, Journal of ASTM
International 4:1 publication JAI100661, 2007.
6. Vyskocilova R., Schwarz W., Mucha D., Hughes D. C.,
Kozłowski R., Weber J., ‘Hydration processes in pastes of Roman and American
natural cements’, Journal of ASTM International 4:2 publication JAI100669, 2007.
7. Weber J., Mayr N., Bayer K., Hughes D. C., Kozłowski R.,
Stillhammerova M., Ullrich D., Vyskocilova R., ‘Roman cement mortars in
Europe’s architectural heritage of the 19th century’, Journal of
ASTM International 4:8 publication JAI100667, 2007.
8. Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., Camuffo D., ‘Target microclimate
for preservation derived from past indoor conditions’, in: Contributions to the
Museum Microclimates Conference, Copenhagen, 19-23 November 2007, eds. T.
Padfield, K. Borchersen, The National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, 2007,
9. Kozłowski R., Adamowicz J., ‘Flattening in situ the gilt
leather wall hangings’, in: The Conservation of Gilt Leather, Post-prints of
the Interim Meeting of the Working Group „Leather and Related Materials”
Brussels, 25-27 March 1998, publ. 2007, 27-31.
10. Adamowicz J., Kozłowski R., ‘Replication of gilt leather’, in:
The Conservation of Gilt Leather, Post-prints of the Interim Meeting of the
Working Group „Leather and Related Materials” Brussels 25-27 March 1998, publ.
2007, 54-57.
11. Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., ‘Entwicklung der neuen EU-Normen –
The CEN TC346 draft standard on heating historic churches: minimising
disturbance to the indoor climate’, in: Klimagestaltung im Spannungsfeld
zwischen Kulturguschutz und Nutzerwünschen, Tagungsblatt des 1.
Konservierungswissenschaftlichen Kolloqiums, Potsdam, 16 November 2007, 24-31.
12. Kozłowski R., Bratasz Ł., ‘Środowisko w muzeach i
obiektach zabytkowych. Kierunki standaryzacji przyjęte przez Europejski Komitet
Normalizacyjny’, in: Konserwacja zapobiegawcza w muzeach, Warszawa, 6-7
listopada 2007, ed. D. Folga-Januszewska, Krajowy Ośrodek Badań i Dokumentacji
Zabytków, Warsaw, 2007, 155-164.
13. Bratasz Ł., Jakieła S., Kozłowski R., ‘Szok
mikroklimatyczny przy przenoszeniu obiektów drewnianych’, in: Konserwacja
zapobiegawcza w muzeach, Warszawa, 6-7 listopada 2007, ed. D.
Folga-Januszewska, Krajowy Ośrodek Badań i Dokumentacji Zabytków, Warsaw, 2007,
1. Kozłowski R., ‘Climate control for the passive mitigation of
the salt damage’, in: Proceedings of the ARCCHIP Centre of Excellence Workshop
‘Problems of salts in masonry – SALTeXPERT’, eds. S. Simon, M. Drdacky, ITAM
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, 2006, 239-244.
2. ‘Heating and the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage.
Guide to the Analysis of the Pros and Cons of Various Heating Systems’, Electa,
Milan, 2006 (współautorstwo).
1. Bratasz Ł., Kozłowski R., ‘Laser sensors for continuous
monitoring of dimensional response of wooden objects in situ’, Studies in Conservation
50, 307-315, 2005.
2. Bratasz Ł., Jakieła S., Kozłowski R., ‘Allowable thresholds in dynamic changes of microclimate for wooden cultural objects: monitoring in situ and modelling’, in: ICOM Committee for Conservation, 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12-16 September 2005: Preprints, ed. I. Verger, James & James, London 2005, 582-589.
1. Kozłowski R., Adamowicz J., ‘Research in wooden construction
for technical and social purposes, in: Living wooden culture throughout
Europe’, ed. Nuria Sanz, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasburg, 2002,
2. Kozłowski R., Wittenburg C., ‘Baroque artificial marble
inside monuments: environmental impacts, degradation and protection’, in:
Proceedings of 4th European Commission Conference on Research for Protection,
Conservation and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage, Strasburg, 22-24 November
2000, ed. A. Brandt-Grau, S. Perez-Vitoria, Office for Official Publications of
the European Communities, Luxemburg, 2002, 150-155.
1. Kozłowski R., Wittenburg C., Zeunert A., ‘Stucco marble in
the Dukes Chapel in Krzeszów, Poland – microclimate and degradation mechanism’,
International Zeitschrift für
Bauinstandsetzen und Baudenkmalpflege 6, 463-480, 2000.
2. Kozłowski R., ‘Mikroklimat w zabytkowym kościele w Dębnie
Podhalańskim’, Biuletyn Informacyjny Konserwatorów Dzieł Sztuki 11:4, 16-22,
3. Kozłowski R., ‘Technologie konserwacji i ochrony
substancji twierdzy – zarys problematyki’, in: Materiały konferencji naukowej
‘Twierdza Wisłoujście – historia, teraźniejszość, przyszłość’, 14-16
października 1999, Muzeum Historii Miasta Gdańska, Gdańsk, 2000, 223-227.
1. Kozłowski R., chapters 3 and 4 in: ‘Baroque Artificial
Marble – environmental impacts, degradation and protection, Protection and
Conservation of European Cultural Heritage, Research Report No 9, European
Commission, 21-52, 1999.
2. Kozłowski R., ‘Problemy technologiczne renowacji elewacji
ceglanych XIX wieku – uwagi producenta materiałów’, in: Konserwacja murów
ceglanych – badania i praktyka, Ogólnopolska konferencja, Toruń, 19-20
listopada 1999, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń, 1999, 275-282.
1. Kozłowski R., ‘Niszczące działanie soli i wilgoci na przykładzie Mauzoleum Piastów Śląskich w Krzeszowie’, Ochrona i Konserwacja Zabytków 9, 91-102, 1998.
1. Kozłowski R., Adamowicz J., ‘Obicia kurdybanowe – naciąg in situ’, Biuletyn Informacyjny Konserwatorów Dzieł Sztuki 8:3-4, 26-31, 1997.
1. Salmon L. G., Cass G. R., Kozłowski R., Hejda A., Spiker
E. C., Bates A., ‘Air pollution intrusion into the Wieliczka Salt Mine’,
Environmental Science and Technology 30, 872-880, 1996.
2. Kozłowski R., ‘Zmiany na powierzchni materiałów elewacyjnych – patyna czy nawarstwienie korozyjne?’, Wiadomości Konserwatorskie Województwa Krakowskiego 5, 133-146, 1996.
1. Weber J., Kozłowski R., ‘Niszczenie i konserwacja średniowiecznych wątków w Krakowie’, Ochrona Zabytków 1, 77-80, 1995.
1. Kozłowski R., Stępień P., ‘Zastosowanie tynków
szerokoporowatych do konserwacji zasolonych murów na przykładzie Sieni
Wjazdowej Zamku na Wawelu’, Ochrona Zabytków 3-4, 273-280, 1994.
2. Kozłowski R., Weber J., ‘Deterioration and conservation
of medieval brick masonry in Cracow’, International Symposium on the
Conservation of the Relics of Medieval Monumental Architecture, Warsaw-Lednica,
24-26 May 1994, 113-117.
1. Stępień P., Kozłowski R., Magiera J., ‘Problemy konserwacji obiektów architektonicznych z dolomitu na przykładzie barokowych bram w ogrodzeniu Katedry Wawelskiej’, Ochrona Zabytków 4, 338-346, 1993.
1. Kozłowski R., Hejda A., Cęckiewicz S., Haber J., ‘Influence
of water contained in porous limestone on corrosion’, Atmospheric Environment
26A, 3241-3248, 1992.
2. Kozłowski R., Tokarz M., Persson M., ‘GYPSTOP – a
novel protective treatment’, in: Proceedings
of the 7th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Lisbon,
15-18 June 1992,ed. J. D. Rodrigues, F. Henriques, F. Telmo Jeremias,
Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisbon 1992, 1187-1196.
1. Haber
J., Kozłowski R., Magiera J., ‘Niszczenie wapienia pińczowskiego w zabytkach
Krakowa’, Rocznik Krakowski LVII, 165-191, 1991.
2. Cęckiewicz S., Kozłowski R., ‘Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) in testing the corrosion resistance of porous limestones to SO2’, Wiener Berichte über Naturwissenschaft in der Kunst, tom 6/7/8, 365-371, 1991.
3. Weber J., Magiera J., Kozłowski R., ‘Cavernous weathering of Carpathian sandstone in the monuments of Cracow, Poland: a case study’, Wiener Berichte über Naturwissenschaft in der Kunst, tom 6/7/8, 403-411, 1991.
4. Haber J., Kozlowski R., ‘Air pollution and the decay of architectural monuments in the city of Cracow’, in: Report of the U.S. National Park Service Delegation to Poland ‘Air pollution and historic monuments in Cracow’, 21-28 June 1989, US/ICOMOS Occasional Paper vol. 1, ed. R. E. Stipe, Washington, 1991, 43-46.
1. Kozłowski R., Magiera J., Weber J., Haber J., ‘Decay and
conservation of Pinczów porous limestone. I. Lithology and weathering’, Studies
in Conservation 35, 205-221, 1990.
2. Kozłowski R., Rodakiewicz-Nowak J., Bogdanowicz A., ‘Opracowanie środków do konserwacji zabytkowych opraw skórzanych’, Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej R. XL, Nr 1/2, 204-209, 1990.
3. Brückman K., Kozłowski R., ‘Cleaning and maintenance of the silver collection in the Jagiellonian University museum’, Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Opuscula Musealia 4, 73-79, 1990.
1. Haber J., Haber H., Kozłowski R., Magiera J, Płuska I., ‘Inquinamento atmosferico e deterioramento dei monumenti architettonici nell città di Cracovia’, in: Città inquinata i monumenti, Italia Nostra, Instituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Rome, 1989, 247-286.
1. Haber J., Haber H., Kozłowski R., Magiera J., Płuska I., ‘Air pollution and decay of architectural monuments in the city of Cracow’, Durability of Building Materials 5, 499-547, 1988.
1. Bratasz Ł., Bickersteth J., Henderson J. ‘Sustainability,
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Angeles, 33, 2018.
2. Krzemień L., Łukomski M., Strojecki M., ‘Direct tracing
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Sciences, Annual Report 2016, 38-40.
3. Strojecki M., ‘Jak bada się drewniane zabytki’, Foton
131, 27-32, 2015.
4. Strojecki M., ‘Szafa gra’, Forum Akademickie 2, 50-52,
5. Kleszcz H.: ‘Ze szkiełkiem i okiem na zabytki’, Aura 1,
22-24, 1997.
6. Haber J., Kozłowski R., ‘Zanieczyszczenie powietrza a
niszczenie zabytków Krakowa /Air pollution and decay of historic stone in the
city of Cracow’, Aura 5, 35-36, 1991.