In exactly one month, on the 8th of April, we will meet with experts to present the results of the GRIEG-Craquelure project ‘Model of paintings with craquelure patterns for evidence-based environmental control in museums‘ at the Royal Wawel Castle. The meeting program includes the following presentations:
- Aleksandra Hola i Katarzyna Poznańska: Material properties of tempera and oil paints
- Pietro Foti: Model of panel painting developed by NTNU
- Sergii Antropov: A model of a panel painting with a developed craquelure pattern
- Marcin Bury: A model of a canvas painting with a developed craquelure pattern
- Marcin Strojecki: Experimental validation of the models
- Łukasz Bratasz: Allowable ranges of environmental variations to limit crack growth in paintings
After the discussion on the project outcomes, we would like to invite our guests to St. Mary’s Basilica to present the cleaning and structural conservation of Veit Stoss’ altarpiece, which was awarded the Europa Nostra price last year.
The research carried out within the GRIEG-Craquelure project (2019/34/H/HS2/00581) has received funding from the Norway Grants 2014-2021.